Infiltrative and Restrictive Cardiomyopathy: Recognition ... 15 (Tuesday)/8. 1020am... · Infiltrative and Restrictive Cardiomyopathy: Recognition by Echo Restrictive Cardiomyopathy - [PDF Document] (2024)



Gerard P. Aurigemma MD, FASE, FAHA, FACC

University of Massachusetts Medical School

Infiltrative and Restrictive Cardiomyopathy:

Recognition by Echo

Restrictive Cardiomyopathy

• Least common of the cardiomyopathies

• The cardiac chambers cannot stretch

normally = stiff/noncompliant

• Filling is restricted

• Normal LV and RV size,

• Atrial enlargement – reflects increased

ventricular filling pressures/atrial



Pathophysiology of Restrictive




90% x small EDV = small SV

Rise in PCWP Flat stroke volume

response to exercise







Case 1: The Admiral





















The Systemic Amyloidoses

• Primary (AL) or light chain disease

– Plasma cell dyscrasia

– Immunoglobulin light chains

– 12 month survival without treatment

– 6 month survival with cardiac disease

• Familial (AF)

– Mutations in transthyretin (TTR)

– Ile 122 of particular interest

The Systemic Amyloidoses

• Senile systemic amyloid (SSA)

– TTR-based non-genetic (ie, TTR normal)

– Cardiac predilection

– Male gender, onset after age 60

• Secondary amyloidosis (AA)

– Chronic inflammatory states



Amyloid Cardiomyopathy

• Very poor prognosis (6 mo survival)

• Restrictive cardiomyopathy with profound abnormalities of diastolic function

– Systolic dysfunction late manifestation

• Classic teaching

– biventricular thickening in a small ventricle

– valvular thickening

– Atrial enlargement

– Pericardial effusion/evidence of elevated filling pressures

Amyloid Cardiomyopathy • Patients do NOT respond to normal

medication for CHF

– ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, dig

• There is a treatment for AL amyloid

– Autologous bone marrow transplant

• Patient selection critical

– assessment of cardiac involvement

Continuum of Amyloid • Advanced disease is too late

• Initial changes are abnormalities of

diastolic function

• As wall thickness progresses

restrictive physiology ensues

• Systolic dysfunction late stage





Case 2: The Attorney

HPI • 58 year old male who presented with dizziness and presyncopal

symptoms with possible fall and left leg pain, numbness and swelling in both lower extremities.

• Patient reported that at 1:30 am, he had gotten out of bed, felt dizzy and went down to the floor due to weakness. He denied LOC but noted that he was on the floor for approx. 30 minutes before he got himself back to bed. He noticed that there was urine on the floor.

• He called his HCP who arrived at his home at 4am and sent him to the ED.

• The patient denied chest discomfort, SOB or palpitations.

• The patient also reported LBP radiating from his left buttock down through the back of his LLE for 3 weeks while he was in Florida. He had driven back to Worcester at 7pm the night of admission and continued to have left leg pain, numbness and swelling in both lower extremities.



Past Medical History

• Paroxysmal a-fib with hx of RVR 11/16/2005

• NSTEMI, demand 11/16/2005, peak troponin of 11.5. 1 prior other demand NSTEMI.

• Normal left and right heart cath 11/18/2005

• Stage IV CKD

• Streptococcal Group G beta hemolytic bacteremia 6/16/2009

• LLE cellulitis 6/16/2009

• Asthma, mild

• Gout

• Severe frostbite of hands

• Severe neuropathy

• Gout

• Anemia

• Secondary hyperparathyroidism





What is the etiology of the patient’s hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?

• Stage 4 CKD

• Peripheral neuropathy with loss of temperature and pin prick.

• Prior 10/29/09 note mentioned the below skin lesions on

abdomen and upper legs:















Clinical Problems That Should Raise Suspicion of Fabry Disease.

Clarke J T Ann Intern Med 2007;146:425-433

©2007 by American College of Physicians

Fabry Disease Cardiac Manifestations

• Left ventricular hypertrophy

• Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, generally symmetric.

• Conduction defects: Short PR interval, Qt

prolongation often with RBBB, tachyarrythmias,


• Aortic root dilatation

• Aortic and mitral valve insufficiency

• Ischemic disease, either due to endothelial

dysfunction, microvasculature dysfunction or

secondary to severe LV hypertrophy.

Echo Findings • A thickened hyperechogenic layer, which

represents intracellular glycolipid deposition

in the endocardium and the subendocardial


• A hypoechogenic layer that parallels the

hyperechogenic layer all along the

ventricular contour, which represents either

the mildly affected midwall myocardium or

possibly a shadowing artifact due to the

intracellular lipid-rich layer.



LVH Screening • Those who also have a binary appearance of

the LV endocardial border.

• Among patients who have hypertrophic

cardiomyopathy, particularly if symmetric,

those with either no family history of HCM or

a family history consistent with X-linked


• Measurement of plasma alpha-galactosidase


Histopathologic changes in a small cutaneous blood vessel showing vacuolation of endothelial and smooth-muscle cells (periodic acid–Schiff stain).

Clarke J T Ann Intern Med 2007;146:425-433

©2007 by American College of Physicians

Long Term effects of Enzyme Replacement Therapy on Fabry Cardiomyopathy: Evidence for a Better Outcome With Early Treatment

• 32 patients over 3 years receiving ERT

• Matched with 20 age-matched healthy controls

• Underwent MRI, echocardiography, color doppler

myocardial imaging studies and bicycle stress tests at

baseline and every year.

• Patients assigned to 3 groups depending on amount of


• Patients with fibrosis in one LV segment were in mild

fibrosis group

• 14 patients had hypertenison, all were almost

normotensive Circulation 2009:119;524-529.



Fabry, LVH and HCM

• 3% (7/230) of middle aged men with LVH

had Fabry’s disease (10% of unexplained) Nakao S et al. N Engl J Med. 1995; 333: 288–293

• In patients with Fabry disease

– 50% no LVH

– 37% concentric LVH

– 10% asymmetric LVH

– 3% eccentric LVH Linhart A et al. Am Heart J. 2000; 139: 1101–1108

• 4% of patients (6/153) with HCM had

Fabry’s Disease Sachdev B. et al Circulation. 2002;105:1407-1411


• Blood test to measure the level of α-

galactosidase A activity

– this may be misleading in female carriers

due to the random nature of X-inactivation

• Genetic Testing

– chromosomal analysis of the GLA gene

– many mutations (>300)

– gold standard

• Kidney biopsy

– for proteinuria

Copyright ©2009 American Heart Association

Weidemann, F. et al. Circulation 2009;119:524-529

MRI of 3 typical Fabry patients at baseline




Case 3: The Industrial


28 y/o M with PMHx of HTN p/w chest pain for last 4 days.

- Chest pain constant, dull, worse with inspiration.

- Denies SOB, orthopnea, PND, palpitations, pre-syncope, n/v.

- No URI sxs, but son has active URI.

EKG on arrival

NB: EKG completely normal 6 months ago




Echo •Normal LV systolic size, thickened

walls c/w HCM or infiltrative CMP.

LVEF 50%.

•Small pericardial effusion.

•RV hypertrophic mildly dilated with

mildly reduced systolic function.

•Normal biatrial size. Grade 1

diastolic dysfunction.

•Mild to moderate TR.



ECHO thick walls—15-17 mm

normal LV size high relative wall thickness

high LV mass index

Troponin trend

• -- CORONARY CIRCULATION: • -- There was no angiographic evidence for coronary artery disease. • -- LVEDP 27.


mm FS 25%



21 mm

BSA = 1.8 m2

CO = π (1.05 cm)2 x 12.1 cm x 84

CI = 3.4/1.8 = 1.9 L/min/m2

Tighe DA et al. Am J Cardiol 2003;91;254.

LABS trend:

BMP Trend Troponin and BNP trend



Right Heart Cath

• RA: 19mm hg

• PA:mean 33 mm Hg

• PCWP:24mm Hg

• C.O by TD:2.92L/mt

• C.I:1.58 L/mt

• RA sat:46%

• PA sat:41%

• Post IABP insertion: plus Milrinone 0.38 + Levophed 0.02

• PA sat:57.6%

Biopsy Guidelines:

Cooper et al, Circulation.





Hospital course: OSH

• Started on high dose steroids, ABG on

arrival 7.10/ 66/ 450. IABP removed,

continued on ECMO. Repeat echo

showed EF 15%. Wide complex

bradycardia with rate in 20s. Placed on

hyopothermic protocol.

• 12/28 – started on CVVH

• 1/2 - ECMO Decanulated.

Take home points: ANEM

• Myocardial wall thickening is due to edema and Not LVH, as shown by decreased wall thickness on repeat ECHO.

• Pericardial effusions more common.

• Initiate immunosuppression early if suspicion is high and infection is not suspected. Usual doses of Hydrocortisone 100 q8h for days and then taper to prednisone PO.

• Any amount of supportive treatment may be needed.

• Myocardium can recover in DAYS on steroids.

• Response is re-assessed with repeat biopsy

• Goal is to find the lowest possible doses to suppress eosinophilic activity.

• 6 monthly ECHO as end organ damage is independent of eosinophillia.

ANEM Pathophys - 3 stages

1) Acute Necrotic Stage (2-3 weeks): infiltration and extracellular deposition of eosinophils and

consequently IL-5 mediated injury.

2) Thrombotic Stage: layered thrombus along

damaged endocardium due to activation of tissue factor by

eosinophils, cerebral thromboemboli common

3) Fibrotic Stage: Myocardial fibrosis




• Epidemiology: Occurs in previously healthy

individuals, ~ 0.1% of all myocarditis cases

• Diagnosis: biopsy

• Prognosis: – Usually fatal, early mortality 38%

– Diagnosis usually confirmed on autopsy

• Treatment:

– Early diagnosis and treatment with corticosteroids is crucial for survival.

– If suspicion is high for ANEM, intiation of therapy should not be delayed for biopsy results

Restrictive Cardiomyopathies

• Amyloidosis

• Loeffler’s

• Fabry’s disease

Infiltrative and Restrictive Cardiomyopathy: Recognition ... 15 (Tuesday)/8. 1020am... · Infiltrative and Restrictive Cardiomyopathy: Recognition by Echo Restrictive Cardiomyopathy - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is infiltrative restrictive cardiomyopathy? ›

Muscle tissue in your heart's lower chambers (ventricles) becomes stiff, and the ventricles can't fill with blood. This leads to reduced blood flow in your heart. Other common names for restrictive cardiomyopathy are: Idiopathic restrictive cardiomyopathy. Infiltrative cardiomyopathy.

What is the life expectancy of someone with restrictive cardiomyopathy? ›

Outlook (Prognosis)

People with restrictive cardiomyopathy may be heart transplant candidates. The outlook depends on the cause of the condition, but it is usually poor. Survival after diagnosis may exceed 10 years.

What is the prognosis for infiltrative cardiomyopathy? ›

Infiltrative cardiomyopathies cause systolic dysfunction, diastolic dysfunction, or both, and can lead to heart failure and premature death.

What are the 3 most common causes of restrictive cardiomyopathy? ›

Three of the leading causes of RCM are cardiac amyloidosis, cardiac sarcoidosis, and cardiac hemochromatosis. This activity reviews restrictive cardiomyopathy with particular emphasis on these three major etiologies and outlines the role of team-based interprofessional care for affected patients.

How to treat infiltrative cardiomyopathy? ›

Treatment is dependent on the etiology and extent of the disease and involves medications, device therapy, and, in some cases, organ transplantation.

How do you treat restrictive cardiomyopathy? ›

The treatment is often centered around the underlying cause. For example, chelation therapy or phlebotomy may help RCM caused by too much iron in the body. Chelation therapy uses drugs that bind to iron and removes it from the body. Phlebotomy removes some of the iron-loaded blood from the body through an IV line.

What is the life expectancy of a person with cardiomyopathy? ›

HCM is considered a chronic disease, which means that it's long term and can worsen over time. However, early diagnosis and treatment may improve your overall outlook and extend your lifespan. In fact, most people with HCM have normal life expectancies.

Is restrictive cardiomyopathy a disability? ›

There are many types of cardiomyopathy--ischemic, dilated, hypertrophic, and restrictive, all of which can qualify for disability if severe enough.

Which is the most serious cardiomyopathy? ›

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

This type of cardiomyopathy causes the heart muscle to become larger and thicker than normal. The thickened areas can block the ventricles (the lower chambers of the heart), making it harder for the heart to pump blood. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Which cardiomyopathy has poor prognosis? ›

In most cases DCM is progressive, leading to heart failure and death. Without a transplant, the survival rates are poor. DCM has many causes and all of them affect the ventricular function to a varying degree.

Is infiltrative cardiomyopathy hereditary? ›

Infiltrative cardiomyopathies result from progressive buildup of abnormal substances in the heart. Several infiltrative cardiomyopathies are inherited and have known genetic mechanisms. Each inherited infiltrative cardiomyopathy has distinct extracardiac manifestations.

Has anyone ever recovered from cardiomyopathy? ›

There's no cure for cardiomyopathy. However, you can manage the condition or slow its progression. Many people who make healthy lifestyle choices and seek medical treatment can live a high quality of life with cardiomyopathy.

What are four signs of cardiomyopathy? ›

Cardiomyopathy symptoms can include:
  • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing with activity or even at rest.
  • Chest pain, especially after physical activity or heavy meals.
  • Heartbeats that feel rapid, pounding or fluttering.
  • Swelling of the legs, ankles, feet, stomach area and neck veins.
Feb 21, 2024

What is the mortality rate for restrictive cardiomyopathy? ›

Restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM) has the poorest prognosis among all types of heart muscle diseases, with 2- and 5- year mortality rates of 50% and 70%, respectively, and the highest rate of sudden cardiac death.

Is cardiomyopathy the same as heart failure? ›

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is sometimes considered a type of diastolic heart failure, but it is often considered a separate diagnosis due to unique aspects of therapy and prognosis. The symptoms of hypertrophic cardio myopathy are most commonly exertional limitation due to shortness of breath or chest pain.

What is an infiltrative disorder of the heart? ›

The infiltrative cardiomyopathies are a diverse group of cardiac diseases that are characterized by the deposition of abnormal substances within the heart tissue that causes the ventricular walls to develop either diastolic dysfunction or, less commonly and more of a late presentation of the disease, systolic ...

What does infiltrative process mean? ›

Infiltration is the diffusion or accumulation (in a tissue or cells) of foreign substances in amounts excess of the normal. The material collected in those tissues or cells is called infiltrate.

What is an example of an infiltrative disease? ›

Infiltrative diseases, such as sarcoidosis and Langerhans cell histiocytosis, may cause a sellar mass and often cause widening of the pituitary stalk. Tuberculomas of the sellar region may occur as part of systemic infection or may be isolated.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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