ask the doc: dr. Rand McClain on steroid use (2024)



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anybody ever watch this guy? he seems pretty informed and addresses quite a few topics on safe steroid usage.

he also talks about (as far as using orals) using choline and inositol 3000mg, l-methionine 1,500mg for 30 days after after using orals and this is the BEST (according to him) way to detox your liver, actually squeezing the fats out of it. he says that's what the old school guys did. he speaks on a variety of topics, and i was just wondering if anyone had any feedback about him.
he's pretty convincing to me.

[ame=""]Most effective way to take Winstrol & What to do about elevated hematocrit? - Ask the Doc - YouTube[/ame]


Oct 18, 2006
  • Jul 3, 2016
  • #2

Folks have posted links to this dude's videos here for a while.

I don't think they are bad, but you shouldn't consider them less bro-science because the guy is a doctor. No serious studies have been done on most stuff he talks about.

If someone with a diploma talks bro-science, it's still bro-science.



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The Doc is extremely smart and helped a boat load of pros throughout the years. He obviously says somewhat vague stuff in his videos for legal purposes but knows much much more about the bodybuilding lifestyle


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ALLEX said:

Folks have posted links to this dude's videos here for a while.

I don't think they are bad, but you shouldn't consider them less bro-science because the guy is a doctor. No serious studies have been done on most stuff he talks about.

If someone with a diploma talks bro-science, it's still bro-science.

I disagree. Bro-science is essentially assumptions based on anecdotal evidence to which end I believe his bro science is superior. because of his education I believe he is better at interpreting these things and giving informed answers. Basically I would take his advice over yours if both were opinion based and not based on studies/science.

Good vid op thanks for posting



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Apr 15, 2011
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flipper2012 said:

The Doc is extremely smart and helped a boat load of pros throughout the years. He obviously says somewhat vague stuff in his videos for legal purposes but knows much much more about the bodybuilding lifestyle

i'd have to agree here. he has much more knowledge of how certain compounds can impact hematocrit, blood pressure and a host of other things than i do. he also states that dr's aren't taught this stuff in med school (obviously) so pretty much, bro-science is all we have to go on, really. but i'm more inclined to trust a doc who's worked w/ pros than other folks.

plus, he did mention that there are probably TONS of studies done somewhere in russia or germany that are obviously unpublished. i never really thought about that before. i enjoy the videos.


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Apr 15, 2011
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dantes said:

I disagree. Bro-science is essentially assumptions based on anecdotal evidence to which end I believe his bro science is superior. because of his education I believe he is better at interpreting these things and giving informed answers. Basically I would take his advice over yours if both were opinion based and not based on studies/science.

Good vid op thanks for posting

absolutely. and there are quite a few of them on a variety of topics. there's even one on peptides.


Oct 18, 2006
  • Jul 3, 2016
  • #7

dantes said:

I disagree. Bro-science is essentially assumptions based on anecdotal evidence to which end I believe his bro science is superior. because of his education I believe he is better at interpreting these things and giving informed answers. Basically I would take his advice over yours if both were opinion based and not based on studies/science.

Good vid op thanks for posting

I'd take his advice over mine as well...

He has the education to interpret data better than us, but if no controlled study has been done on a certain issue or drug, there's no data and it's still bro-science. Superior bro-science, I give you that.


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Aug 26, 2003
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my definition of bro-science is in direct
correlation to experience....for times before
internet....i was raised through bro-science.

now adays anyway, anyone can look up the scientific meaning
of life or whatever they want...puts bro-science on the back burner
but, that's not the point....point is, back then all we had was bro-science.
didn't have all this information we have now...this whole sport has evolved
because of this information is so easy to obtain.

sh*t, all i had back then was the anabolic handbook.

then you get these 24 year olds that come on here...and now
they are GURUs.....after 1 cycle of sust.....or start a board and
ban anyone who doesn't bow down to them....kinda funny.


Oct 18, 2006
  • Jul 3, 2016
  • #9

Regarding getting big and looking like a bodybuilder, bro-science is much more effective than real science. Now, when it comes to long term health, that's probably another story.

The physiques that made history were built with a very simple thought process, a "caveman" mindset.

I'm tired - I sleep
Not growing - I eat more food, take more test/deca and lift heavier.
Getting fat - I run

It's not too far away from that.





Jun 16, 2015
  • Jul 3, 2016
  • #10

hanquin said:

anybody ever watch this guy? he seems pretty informed and addresses quite a few topics on safe steroid usage.

he also talks about (as far as using orals) using choline and inositol 3000mg, l-methionine 1,500mg for 30 days after after using orals and this is the BEST (according to him) way to detox your liver, actually squeezing the fats out of it. he says that's what the old school guys did. he speaks on a variety of topics, and i was just wondering if anyone had any feedback about him.
he's pretty convincing to me.

Most effective way to take Winstrol & What to do about elevated hematocrit? - Ask the Doc - YouTube

As anyone here tried the choline and inositol combination that he talks about in the video? Or know someone who did?

This supplement combination is pretty inexpensive.


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Jun 5, 2002
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The closest thing we had to common sense for years was Lee preist.. He was that way.. Never paid attention to meal timing.. Or set workout routines.. He ate.. Then ate again when he was hungry.. If he was tired he did higher reps.. When he felt his oates he did heavy weight.. I talked to him once about that in Santa monica.. He came in to worlds gym and a guy yelled " Lee.. What was for breakfast today" preist smiled and said " cheeseburger... Fries and two eggs and a co*ke" .. Everyone laughed as he was about 6 weeks out from the o.. I was finished when he was and I joked to him " going home to have rice and chicken?" .. He laughed and said " I don't know.. I'm not hungry yet.. I'll jump on the scale and see where I'm at.. If I look good it might be some steak and eggs.. If I'm a fat f*ck then maybe chicken and rice .. f*ck it" ..



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Apr 15, 2011
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southoftheborder said:

As anyone here tried the choline and inositol combination that he talks about in the video? Or know someone who did?

This supplement combination is pretty inexpensive.

i'm curious about this one as well. he said 'back in the day', they'd run the orals *i think w/out any liver supports* then do a month long, mega-dosing of this combo. it basically would 'squeeze' the fats from the liver, often giving guys the sh*ts. he said at that point, just add a calcium supplement.


Featured Member / Kilo Klub

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LATS said:

The closest thing we had to common sense for years was Lee preist.. He was that way.. Never paid attention to meal timing.. Or set workout routines.. He ate.. Then ate again when he was hungry.. If he was tired he did higher reps.. When he felt his oates he did heavy weight.. I talked to him once about that in Santa monica.. He came in to worlds gym and a guy yelled " Lee.. What was for breakfast today" preist smiled and said " cheeseburger... Fries and two eggs and a co*ke" .. Everyone laughed as he was about 6 weeks out from the o.. I was finished when he was and I joked to him " going home to have rice and chicken?" .. He laughed and said " I don't know.. I'm not hungry yet.. I'll jump on the scale and see where I'm at.. If I look good it might be some steak and eggs.. If I'm a fat f*ck then maybe chicken and rice .. f*ck it" ..

How do you disagree when he looks like this......haha common sense for me!

ask the doc: dr. Rand McClain on steroid use (8)


Marvin Martian

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Jul 13, 2008
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tenny said:

my definition of bro-science is in direct
correlation to experience....for times before
internet....i was raised through bro-science.

now adays anyway, anyone can look up the scientific meaning
of life or whatever they want...puts bro-science on the back burner
but, that's not the point....point is, back then all we had was bro-science.
didn't have all this information we have now...this whole sport has evolved
because of this information is so easy to obtain.

sh*t, all i had back then was the anabolic handbook.

then you get these 24 year olds that come on here...and now
they are GURUs.....after 1 cycle of sust.....or start a board and
ban anyone who doesn't bow down to them....kinda funny.

This is something I have felt for a while! I think the Internet has been great and it's awesome that information is literally at your fingertips in seconds, but it has definitely led to a bunch of idiot know-it-all "gurus"
I do remember back in the day when all you had was the newsletter and whatever the "big dude in the gym" would share with you!


Oct 18, 2006
  • Jul 4, 2016
  • #15

I remember one day a guy I know came to me and said "man, I'm not growing anymore, I'm on 300/300 test/deca, thinking about jumping on test/deca/drol/primo/hgh, etc..." then I asked "why don't you just do 500/500 test/deca?

He looked confused.

People don't like simple.


Jun 2, 2016
  • Jul 25, 2016
  • #16

ALLEX said:

Folks have posted links to this dude's videos here for a while.

I don't think they are bad, but you shouldn't consider them less bro-science because the guy is a doctor. No serious studies have been done on most stuff he talks about.

If someone with a diploma talks bro-science, it's still bro-science.

Hey ALLEX-NOW after close to two months here guys are nice to me-after having to stand on my head for approval.

This guy is a general doctor with NO extra hormone training. He was involved but (for some reason-good att'y I think) not indicted in a Florida hormone mill scam. He learned what he knows from smart bodybuilders and from reading and listening to ME. NOW I know what get's respect here. It's when it's a MALE doctor-no one assumes he's not qualified. This guy should be in jail for the sh-t he prescribed to BB's with no regard for their health. Yea,listen to THIS guy. 3 orals-no problem. Yea, so your HDL is low,OK let's give you some niacin,that will fix everything. Trust him at your own peril.

Last edited:



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Sep 9, 2006
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  • #17

tenny said:

my definition of bro-science is in direct
correlation to experience....for times before
internet....i was raised through bro-science.

now adays anyway, anyone can look up the scientific meaning
of life or whatever they want...puts bro-science on the back burner
but, that's not the point....point is, back then all we had was bro-science.
didn't have all this information we have now...this whole sport has evolved
because of this information is so easy to obtain.

sh*t, all i had back then was the anabolic handbook.

then you get these 24 year olds that come on here...and now
they are GURUs.....after 1 cycle of sust.....or start a board and
ban anyone who doesn't bow down to them....kinda funny.

I used Dan Duchaines underground steroid handbook. ask the doc: dr. Rand McClain on steroid use (11)


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Jan 17, 2013
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drkimcrawford said:

Hey ALLEX-NOW after close to two months here guys are nice to me-after having to stand on my head for approval.

This guy is a general doctor with NO extra hormone training. He was involved but (for some reason-good att'y I think) not indicted in a Florida hormone mill scam. He learned what he knows from smart bodybuilders and from reading and listening to ME. NOW I know what get's respect here. It's when it's a MALE doctor-no one assumes he's not qualified. This guy should be in jail for the sh-t he prescribed to BB's with no regard for their health. Yea,listen to THIS guy. 3 orals-no problem. Yea, so your HDL is low,OK let's give you some niacin,that will fix everything. Trust him at your own peril.

I take umbrage with your comments of sexism. Your argument is weak; no one cares that you are female.

I think some of us may view you in the same light as a chiropractor. Some of us swear by em', and some of us think they are quackery. If nothing...some of us are polite. Simple as that.

Don't be butthurt ask the doc: dr. Rand McClain on steroid use (13)


Amanda Whelan

Jun 20, 2016
  • Jul 26, 2016
  • #19

every one is individual and has its own unique lifestyle and way for bodybuilding, we can't disgree anyone as long as he or she never affects others and the society negatively


Jun 2, 2016
  • Jul 26, 2016
  • #20

ThinkTank said:

I take umbrage with your comments of sexism. Your argument is weak; no one cares that you are female.

I think some of us may view you in the same light as a chiropractor. Some of us swear by em', and some of us think they are quackery. If nothing...some of us are polite. Simple as that.

Don't be butthurt ask the doc: dr. Rand McClain on steroid use (15)

now THAT's highly insulting-THIS guy is taken seriously as an M.D> and you think I'm the same as a CHIROPRACTOR? Someone who doesn't even go to medical school and certainly has zero training in THIS field. That said I think a good Chiro is great for spinal adjustments and such. LOL you just proved my point but I'm unsubscribing to this thread as I have work to do. Nothing personal. Just really wanted to warn guys to NOT take THIS doctor's advice. He is a quack.

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ask the doc: dr. Rand McClain on steroid use (2024)
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