A Budget-Friendly Indoor Seed Starting Setup (2024)

If you want to learn the best way to start your own seeds indoors, in this post I will go over our indoor seed starting setup and a complete guide on how you can start seeds indoors to save money growing your own food.

Contents hide

1 Why Should You Start Your Own Seeds Indoors?

2 What You Need To Start Seeds Indoors

3 What Containers to Use To Start Seeds Indoors

4 Seed Starting Kit

5 Proper Seed Starting Growing Medium

7 Heat Mat

8 Starting Seeds Indoors With Grow Lights

9 Starting Seeds Indoors Without Grow Lights

10 Seed Starting Grow Lights

11 Tips on Growing Healthy Plants in Your Indoor Seed Starting Setup

12 Seed Starting Indoors Schedule

13 More Helpful Gardening Posts:

Why Should You Start Your Own Seeds Indoors?

There are a few reasons why I would suggest starting your seeds indoors.

  1. Save money – When you buy young plants from the nursery you are generally paying a higher price than if you were to buy a seed packet of the same plant. For one plant at your local nursery, you could get up to 100 seeds for the same price. You are paying for the work that is involved to care for and nurture that plant in the nursery, as well as some profit. If you are willing to put in the time and effort to grow your own seedlings, building your indoor seed starting setup is a good idea.
  2. Control fertilizer – If you want to grow your own food from organic seed, starting your own seeds gives you the opportunity to control the entire process of the growth of the plants. You can control what organic matter is used, what fertilizer, and the environment. Some garden centers offer organic plants, but you will be paying a higher price.
  3. It is fun for the whole family! – There is something about growing your own food from seed as a family compared to buying it from the nursery or even the grocery store. It is so rewarding to watch something grow and thrive that you started with your own two hands. It teaches our kids where the food we eat comes from and the hard work that goes into it.
  4. Extend your growing season – We are located in zone 4b which means we have a short growing season. Starting seeds indoors helps us extend our growing season by providing our seedlings with a head start. If you are unsure of what zone you are located in, I have sourced these articles for you if you are in the USA, and Canada.
A Budget-Friendly Indoor Seed Starting Setup (1)

What You Need To Start Seeds Indoors

Every indoor seed starting setup can look different. You don’t need to spend a fortune to get the best results from your seed starting journey. You can start your seeds indoors with or without grow lights, and you don’t need all of the bells and whistles. We started our seeds indoors on our windowsill and expanded as the years went on. As our garden grew, our indoor seed starting setup needed to grow too.

To start seeds indoors successfully you need to focus on 3 things:

  1. Growing medium and container
  2. Temperature (warm)
  3. A good light source (natural light or artificial light)
A Budget-Friendly Indoor Seed Starting Setup (2)

What Containers to Use To Start Seeds Indoors

Recycled Vessels – You can get creative with the containers you use for starting your seeds indoors. I’ve seen successful gardeners use vessels such as newspaper pots, and toilet paper rolls. and even egg cartons. I personally have even used the plastic clamshell containers from berries, with the lid they act as a wonderful greenhouse for seed germination. The key is to ensure that the container you are using has good drainage holes so the water can escape.

Seed-Starting Trays – If you are looking to buy seedling trays, I have purchased these cell packs, and they work wonderfully as they come with a vented humidity dome. Once the seeds have sprouted, you can remove the dome to ensure proper air circulation to avoid fungal diseases.

Soil Blocks– Soil blocking is also very popular to start seeds. I have yet to try soil blocking, but as my garden continues to grow, I know I will upgrade to this soil-blocking press. Instead of using plastic pots or cell trays, you use a device that presses the soil mix into blocks that are placed on flat plastic trays.

A Budget-Friendly Indoor Seed Starting Setup (3)

Seed Starting Kit

The perfect all-in-one seed starting cells and humidity dome kit!

Proper Seed Starting Growing Medium

Did you know you can start seeds WITHOUT soil?! All you need is organic matter that will keep the seeds from drying out. You can use a seed starting mix that contains peat moss. Seed starting mix is different than regular potting soil. It is a mix of peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, compost, worm castings, and fertilizer. You will notice it is much lighter than a regular soil mix as this allows the seedling to easily spread their roots and grow into healthy seedlings.

Note: If your young seedlings have grown from their current cells you can transfer them to larger pots and use a regular soil mix after transplanting. You can sprinkle vermiculite on the soil surface to help the soil retain moisture.

A Budget-Friendly Indoor Seed Starting Setup (4)

Indoor Seed Starting Setup – Temperature

Most seeds need a warm and moist environment to start germinating. An easy way to create the ideal environment for successful germination is by creating a greenhouse effect for the plants. This can be accomplished by using clear plastic wrap over the containers or plastic domes.

I purchased these heating mats that sit under my cell flats to provide a sufficient heat source to maintain my soil temperatures. Seedling heat mats aren’t a necessity but it speeds up the germination process and it a great way to increase your germination rate.

A Budget-Friendly Indoor Seed Starting Setup (5)

Heat Mat

Increase your seed’s germination rate with this budget-friendly heat mat kit!

Starting Seeds Indoors With Grow Lights

We have tried a wide range of grow lights in the past. We just recently purchased these LED shop lights for this year’s indoor seed starting setup and they are our favorite yet! They fit perfectly on our shelving unit and connect together instead of having a mess of a million cords.

Avoid marketing tacticsLED lights or fluorescent lights for garages or shops are just as efficient as the expensive grow lights you see in the big box stores. They are the best choice since they aren’t marketed as a grow light so the price is a lot more affordable.

Supplement the sun – Grow lights are a popular choice for indoor seed starting sets ups since they give off enough light for what the seedlings need from the natural sun. Generally, most seedlings need a minimum of 12-14 hours of light. In the late winter, most areas only have 9-10 hours of natural sunlight.

Proper light fixture distance – You will want to hang your light fixtures a few inches away from your seed trays, 4-5 inches is a good start. Once your seedlings start to grow their second set of leaves it is a good time to raise the lighting another 3-4 inches. If you find the tops of the seedlings are reaching the 2-inch mark towards the lights, it’s the right time to raise them.

A Budget-Friendly Indoor Seed Starting Setup (6)

Starting Seeds Indoors Without Grow Lights

If you don’t want to invest in artificial lighting, you can still be successful in starting seeds indoors, your indoor seed starting setup might just look a little different. In this case, you will want to rely on the natural sunlight outside. Find a sunny window in your home, a south-facing window is a good choice, and set up your seed trays there. Be sure that each tray is getting plenty of light to avoid leggy plants.

This method will work for smaller gardens. If you have a larger garden and your window isn’t big enough, or you don’t have enough windows, you may want to consider purchasing grow lights.

A Budget-Friendly Indoor Seed Starting Setup (7)

Seed Starting Grow Lights

My favorite grow lights for seed starting! They are easy to set up and work well for budget gardeners!

Tips on Growing Healthy Plants in Your Indoor Seed Starting Setup

Ok, so you’ve got your indoor seed starting setup ready, now how do you nurture these seeds into healthy plants? I have a few tips for you to help you along the way.

Water – Be sure to check the water of your seedlings daily, preferably in the morning. You will want the soil of your seedling to be moist to the touch but not wet, so try to avoid giving them too much water. To avoid any fungal diseases and stress on the tiny seedlings I suggest watering from the bottom.

Air circulation – I like to use a small fan on the lowest setting to provide our own plants with good air circulation. This helps avoid any fungal diseases and it helps the seedlings grow stronger steams.

Transplanting – Depending on when you started your seeds, you may find your seedlings outgrowing their seed tray home. You can usually tell if the roots are starting to come out from the bottom. In this case, all you have to do is re-pot them in a larger pot. Simply, add some soil to a bigger pot, carefully remove the seedling from the tray and plant it in its new home. I like to save my bigger pots from the nursery to use for transplanting.

Fertilize weekly – After your seedling has grown their second set of leaves I begin fertilizing them with organic fish fertilizer once a week. Just like we need food, so do our seedlings. By this point, most of the fertilizer from the seed starting mix has been absorbed by the seedlings.

A Budget-Friendly Indoor Seed Starting Setup (8)

Seed Starting Indoors Schedule

Determining when to start your seeds indoors will depend on what zone you are in and what your last frost date is. Find out what zone you are in within the USA and Canada.

Our last frost date is near the end of May. So I look at the back of my seed packet to see how many weeks I should plant before our last frost date. I then count backward from that frost date and note it in my seed starting schedule.

You can grab a copy of my seed starting planner to help you organize your own seed starting schedule.

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A Budget-Friendly Indoor Seed Starting Setup (2024)


A Budget-Friendly Indoor Seed Starting Setup? ›

It's very possible to create an affordable seed starting setup without fancy equipment! You can successfully sprout seeds in things like egg cartons and yogurt cups. Soil for seed starting can be collected from your garden and baked so that it's sterile, and you can use inexpensive shop lights as grow lights.

What is the cheapest way to start seeds indoors? ›

Yogurt cups make great seed starters. They are a good size, they don't rot, and the soft plastic makes it easy to slide your babies out with their roots intact when it's time to transplant. I love these things. I don't even poke holes in the bottom (careful not to overwater!).

How do you set up an indoor seed starting system? ›

How to Start Seeds Indoors in 4 Easy Steps
  1. Fill a large bowl with seed-starting mix and mix in a little water to evenly moisten the soil. ...
  2. Place your seed tray inside the drip tray and fill each cell to just below the top with soil.
  3. Sow your seeds. ...
  4. Cover the tray and place it under your lights on the heat mat.
Feb 10, 2023

What equipment do I need to start seeds indoors? ›

The first thing you need to get started is something to put your seeds in. You'll want to find something sterile with appropriate drainage. Plug trays and plastic cell packs are an inexpensive option that will fit easily into a tray to keep plants organized. Small individual containers can also be used, like peat pots.

How many seeds per hole when starting seeds indoors? ›

Most seeds prefer a depth of about 2 times their length. The tiniest seeds can be sprinkled directly on the surface. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil. Plant about 3 seeds per hole (more if using older seeds) and once they germinate, thin down to leave only the strongest seedling.

How do you start seeds for cheap? ›

10 Tips for Seed Starting on a Budget
  1. Buy Seeds for Less. Some seed vendors have great prices and great seeds! ...
  2. Know What to Grow When. ...
  3. Reuse and Recycle. ...
  4. Choose Cheap Stakes and Labels. ...
  5. Soil and Fertilizer. ...
  6. Water for Success. ...
  7. Use Natural Light. ...
  8. Always Harden Seedlings Off.

What is the easiest way to start seeds indoors? ›

A seed starting tray is the easiest way to start seeds indoors for beginners and expert gardeners. These cells are ideal since they are usually made of a porous material that allows for water absorption and roots, when big enough, to grow right through the walls.

What is the best light for starting seeds indoors? ›

According to Pilarchik, any white LED shop lights with a brightness of 5,000 lumens or higher and a color temperature of 5,000 K or higher—like the Hyper Tough shop light—can be used as grow lights for seedlings.

Do I need grow lights to start seeds indoors? ›

The natural light from a window is seldom enough for good, strong seedling growth. They will usually stretch and lean towards the light and will not produce sturdy plants. Sowing seeds indoors under fluorescent lights is the easiest way for the home gardener to control growing conditions and grow healthy transplants.

What is the best soil for starting seeds indoors? ›

The most convenient type to use is one of the commercial soilless mixes (Jiffy-Mix, Pro-Mix, Redi-Earth, etc.) that contain peat moss, perlite, vermiculite, and usually some fertilizer (see Table 1 for a mix recipe). These are specially formulated for starting seeds indoors.

Do I need a heat mat to start seeds? ›

While your lettuce seeds may germinate just fine in an unheated room or shed where the temperatures range from 40-65℉ in the Spring, other gardening staples will not. Tomatoes, for example, rarely germinate below 75 degrees. To start these properly you will need to warm the soil using seedling heat mats.

What temperature do you start seeds indoors? ›

The closer the temperature is to the optimum, the quicker germination will occur. Most seeds germinate when the soil temperature is between 68° and 86°F.

What is the best medium for starting seeds? ›

Edmund's recipe for a good basic pasteurized medium for growing seedlings is a mixture of one-third pasteurized soil or compost, one-third sand, vermiculite or perlite, and one-third coconut coir or peat moss.

Can I start all seeds indoors? ›

Though some plants prefer to be direct sown (like squash and cucumbers), almost anything can be started indoors as transplants, if done right, including root crops like beets, radishes and turnips. The main exception are vegetables with long taproots like carrots and parsnips, which need to be direct sown.

Does 1 seed equal 1 plant? ›

In general, two to three seeds should be planted per hole. Seeds do not have 100% germination rates, so not every seed planted will sprout. Overseeding holes, cells, or pots will help ensure that the number of plants you desire will grow (or more.

How long can seedlings stay in egg cartons? ›

But you also can't leave your seedlings in their egg cartons for too long, waiting for the weather to heat up. Seedlings should be moved to the garden once the roots reach the bottom of the tray, but before they start to grow into a circle.

Are egg cartons good for starting seeds? ›

You can use egg cartons as a seed-starting tray! Depending on the type of carton you have, you can even cut apart the individual sections and plant them, as the carton will biodegrade. Be sure to poke small holes for drainage, and put the cartons on a tray or in a shallow pan to catch any residual water.

What is the best container to start seeds indoors? ›

Seed Starting with Plastic Cups, Styrofoam Cups, and Small Reusable Pots. You can poke holes in the bottom of just about any cup and use it to start your seeds. Be sure to place them on a surface or tray that can catch runoff when you water them (like my baking sheet in my original setup).

Is it cheaper to buy seeds or seedlings? ›

Cost – Seeding is less expensive than buying seedlings from a local plant nursery. Satisfaction – Few gardening tasks are as rewarding as growing a plant from a tiny seed. Planting seeds isn't always the preferred approach for a new garden, however.

What month is best to start seeds indoors? ›

Mid-March is the best time to start many vegetables and annual flowers indoors for transplanting outside once the threat of frost has passed.

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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.