10 Indoor Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health (2024)

10 Indoor Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health (1)

If some of the best indoor houseplants have taken over your interiors, seemingly sprawling across bookshelves, side tables and kitchen countertops, you're not alone. Sales of leafy green flora have soared over the past couple of years as many spend more time indoors; they've been a hit on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, where there are more than 9 million posts tagged #HousePlants. While the greenery brightens up your space and certainly looks cute, experts believe your indoor plants may be good for your health, too.

Naturopathic doctors have long incorporated plant medicine into their practices, and generally spending time around plants offers a “whole-person positive impact,” says Amy Rothenberg, N.D., a naturopathic doctor and president of the Massachusetts Society of Naturopathic Doctors.

“When we talk about treating the whole person, we mean looking after the body, the emotions and the spirit; plants can touch each of those essential areas,” Rothenberg explains. Plants improve air quality, bring beauty into your home and boost emotional and spiritual wellbeing by giving you a chance to care for something. Plants in your bedroom could improve your sleep quality, while greenery in your kitchen helps brighten up your space if there's no window.

While any plant is good for the soul and can benefit your mental health and emotional wellbeing, here are some of experts’ top choices.

What plants are best for your health?

The healthiest houseplant is the one that matches your personal style as well as daily schedule and routine, says Alex Cromer, LPC, a licensed professional mental health counselor with Thriveworks in Richmond, Virginia. And, don’t worry too much if you don’t have a green thumb! Many of the best plants for your health are easy to care for, so you can enjoy their presence and reap the health rewards.


Spider Plant

10 Indoor Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health (3)

Spider plants, or Chlorophytum comosum, are extremely easy to grow, don’t require constant attention and thrive with little investment on your behalf. The plants have narrow leaves and get their name from the “small plantlets produced on long trailing stems that vaguely resemble spiders,” according to the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension.

Spider plants are known to help purify the surrounding air. NASA research examined the leaves, soil, roots and microorganisms of several houseplants and found that plants can act as a natural air filter to reduce pollutants. The study indicates that spider plants removed 95% of toxic formaldehyde from the air in a sealed Plexiglas container over a 24-hour period.



Peace Lily

10 Indoor Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health (4)

The name “peace lily” definitely evokes a sense of calm. These sturdy plants also “flower and are aesthetically pleasing” and may benefit your health over time, explains Trevor Cates, N.D, a naturopathic doctor in Park City, Utah, and author of Clean Skin From Within. A 2022 study published in Applied Sciences suggests that peace lilies have air-cleaning properties and help to remove carbon dioxide and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air.

Peace lilies can live for years and continuously produce broad white flowers that resemble a white peace flag, per materials published by MiracleGro. They’re easy to take care of and don’t need much light, so they’re perfect for shady spaces. Just keep them out of reach from pets and small children, as they can cause vomiting or tongue swelling if they’re ingested.



Rubber Plants

10 Indoor Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health (5)

Rubber plants — also known as rubber trees or Ficus elastica — make for great indoor houseplants. They’re generally easy to take care of and only need to be watered every week or so, according to materials shared by The Sill. Research shows that rubber plants feature air-purifying properties. Just be sure to keep them firmly away from any pets and from young children, as they're known to be highly toxic when ingested.


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Elephant Ear Plants

10 Indoor Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health (6)

If you want to spend a little more time with your houseplants, Cromer recommends elephant ear plants. These are organized into a group of tropical, perennial plants instantly recognizable by their big, heart-shaped leaves. They need bright light and regular watering to keep the soil moist, and they can get big and may need extra space. Some species have been grown for their edible starchy tubers, which are a food staple in certain tropical regions. Medicinally, the leaves have been noted for their use in treating insect stings.



Snake Plants

10 Indoor Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health (7)

Long known as “mother-in-law’s tongues,” the snake plant, or Sansevieria trifasciata, features tall leaves that grow vertically. They’re decorative and extremely low-maintenance. The plants only need to be watered when the soil is dry, grow in any kind of light, and generally “thrive on neglect,” according to experts at HGTV. The snake plant was included in the same sweeping NASA study of indoor plants, and has been shown to remove toxins from the air over time.




10 Indoor Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health (8)

A 2022 study published in Applied Sciences showed that Boston ferns performed best when it comes to air cleaning by naturally VOCs from the air. The plants grow easily and look the best indoors in hanging baskets or on plant stands, which allow their fronds to drape. They need medium bright light and consistently moist soil, so they might require a bit more of your time.


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10 Indoor Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health (9)

When you picture a houseplant, the pothos, or Epipremnum pinnatum, is likely what comes to mind. Also known as devil’s ivy or golden pothos, the plants feature vibrant heart-shaped leaves that may be green or marbled green and yellow. They’re easy to grow, needing only indirect sunlight and infrequent watering. Research shows that the plants can lower indoor ozone levels, which can make it easier to breathe and reduce your risk for respiratory ailments, as well as remove VOCs from the air.



English Ivy

10 Indoor Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health (10)

English ivy, or Hedera helix, is a versatile plant that’s been shown to lower levels of carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, and toxins in the air. They can be grown outside or indoors. As a houseplant, the ivy grows well in hanging baskets or pots, and can be trained to grow along a trellis or shape, according to the Clemson University Cooperative Extension. They grow best in direct sunlight and need to be watered thoroughly once the soil dries out.



Succulents and Cacti

10 Indoor Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health (11)

Succulents and cacti “thrive on little to no care,” Cromer says. These plants are drought-resistant, meaning they don’t need regular watering; only just when the soil is completely dry. They also come in many shapes and sizes to decorate your space and can help clean the air. Some varieties, including the jade plant, can increase humidity in a room. Aloe vera plants, in particular, also have medicinal properties and can help heal cuts, burns, and other skin ailments.


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10 Indoor Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health (12)

Small potted herbs not only look cute in your kitchen, but they may also inspire you to cook more often and eat healthier. Growing your own basil, parsley, or mint is also cheaper than purchasing herbs from the grocery store. Several herbs, like chamomile and lavender, have been shown to reduce anxiety, per Mayo Clinic officials. Herbs also contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are a boon for your dietary routine.


How do house plants contribute to good health?

10 Indoor Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health (13)

The beauty of plants and the act of caring for them can be truly healing. “Looking at something aesthetically pleasing can boost neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin,” Cates explains. Keeping plants primes your brain to look forward to interacting with the plant and receiving a hit of “feel good neurochemicals,” Cromer adds.

Plants offer immediate benefits by improving mood and stress management, Cates says. They also provide long-term benefits, such as improving air quality which may reduce instances of headaches — or by adding moisture to the air, which helps with dry skin, Rothenberg says. Handling soil, which contains microbes, can promote microbiome diversity in your home, which could benefit gut and skin health.

But, having houseplants alone isn’t a recommended treatment for any medical condition, Rothenberg adds. “Encouraging my patients to consider having houseplants is one part of a broader, individualized health care plan.”

What are the best indoor plants for air purification?

10 Indoor Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health (14)

Research shows that plants can help with air purification, especially in areas where air quality may be in question. Breathing cleaner air also helps you think clearer, calms stress, and reduces the risk for asthma, Cates tells Good Housekeeping.

Houseplants absorb carbon dioxide, filter pollutants and release oxygen. “This is an important idea considering how much time people spend indoors,” Rothenberg adds. “By adding more oxygen, theoretically, you might have better focus, fewer headaches, and an improved mood.”

Snake plants, spider plants, rubber plants, peace lilies, ferns, and English ivy are some of the best indoor plants for boosting oxygen levels and purifying the air.

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What are the mental health benefits of caring for a houseplant?

10 Indoor Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health (15)

Being around greenery offers many mental health benefits. Horticultural therapy has long been used to treat mental health and other conditions. It helps improve memory, cognition and socialization. Humans also have an innate instinct to connect with nature, known as biophilia.

Caring for plants can reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood and concentration, and boosts confidence. “Plants provide a tangible, positive result for the caretaker which can help them feel more in control of their lives, something that can reduce anxiety and promote overall wellness,” Cromer says. “It gives the caretaker a sense of pride and accomplishment—being observant of how the plant is growing, looking, and to troubleshoot ways to solve problems.”

Watching them grow can be soothing, promote peaceful feelings, and provide a meditative experience, Rothenberg adds.

“Plants benefit health holistically because they are a non-stimulating partner that is accepting and tolerant, and are good listeners,” Cromer says. “Plants thrive with simple care and attention and are very visibly thankful for your efforts.”

If you are dealing with a mental health condition, you may need to speak with a professional. You can find help and learn more about anxiety by visiting the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.

10 Indoor Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health (16)

Erica Sweeney

Erica Sweeney is a writer who mostly covers health, wellness and careers. She has written for The New York Times, HuffPost, Teen Vogue, Parade, Money, Business Insider and many more.

10 Indoor Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health (2024)


Which plant gives oxygen 24 hours? ›

The peepal tree is a tree that gives oxygen for 24 hours. It is also known as the bo or bodhi tree and belongs to the same genus as neem trees. The peepal grows up to 15 m tall and has grey bark on its branches. It's native to India, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka but is now found throughout Southeast Asia.

What all indoor plants can help you generate oxygen? ›

Indoor Plants for Oxygen: Top 10 NASA Recommended Plants to Improve Air Quality
  • Money Plant. Money plants are among the greatest indoor plants for cleaning the air, making them an excellent choice. ...
  • Spider Plant. ...
  • Snake Plant. ...
  • Gerbera Plant. ...
  • Lady Palm. ...
  • Chrysanthemum Plant. ...
  • Weeping Fig. ...
  • Aloe Vera.
Dec 20, 2023

What indoor plant is good for anxiety? ›

Purple lavender with bees on

This is a plant that is always at the top of the list as a natural anxiety buster. Lavender is the source of one of the most popular essential oils. It boasts many benefits when inhaled, such as improvement in short-term memory, stress relief and relaxation.

What plant removes the most toxins? ›

Here are some of the most effective toxin-fighting plants:
  • The Areca Palm. Also known as the “butterfly palm,” this plant has been found to remove more xylene and toluene from the air than any other plant. ...
  • Bamboo Palm. ...
  • Rubber Plant. ...
  • Dracaena “Janet Craig” ...
  • Peace Lily.

Which diseases are cured by medicinal plants? ›

The aim of the reported study is to show the actual use of Indian medicinal plants used for the treatment of various types of infectious diseases. Cases varying from COVID 19 to gastrointestinal infection, viral diseases, skin and wound infections are being treated effectively with herbal drugs.

What plant absorbs the most toxins? ›

The Top 10 Plants for Removing Indoor Toxins
  1. Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) ...
  2. Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa) ...
  3. Bamboo palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii) ...
  4. Rubber Plant (Ficus robusta) ...
  5. Dracaena “Janet Craig” (Dracaena deremensis) ...
  6. Philodendron (Philodendron sp.) ...
  7. Dwarf Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii)
Mar 6, 2022

Which plant is best for a bedroom? ›

  • Peace Lily Plant. Sale. Peace Lily Plant. ...
  • Bamboo Palm Plant. Sale. Bamboo Palm Plant. ...
  • Monstera Deliciosa Plant. Sale. Monstera Deliciosa Plant. ...
  • Lucky Bamboo Plant - 3 Layer. Sale. Lucky Bamboo Plant - 3 Layer. ...
  • Areca Palm Plant. Sale. Areca Palm Plant. ...
  • Aglaonema Pink Beauty Plant. Sale. Aglaonema Pink Beauty Plant.

Which tree gives the highest oxygen? ›

The banyan tree is the most oxygen-giving tree and the age of this. The tree is also very long, it can be more than 500+ years, such a good age because its trunk Roots start growing. and banyan trees get more strength and can be easily planted anywhere.

Can I keep an aloe vera plant in my room? ›

Aloe vera can grow indoors and outdoors, but if you're growing it inside, make sure to put it in a spot where it will get plenty of sunlight. South- or west-facing windows are ideal. You'll also need to water your aloe plant regularly, about once per week or when the soil is dry to the touch.

What are the best indoor plants for oxygen and clean air? ›

Flowering plants such as gerbera daisy and chrysanthemums were rated superior in removing benzene from the air, while Boston fern was highly rated for removing formaldehyde. Other good performers are varieties of Dracaena and spathiphyllum (Peace Lily).

How many plants to increase oxygen? ›

Plants produce oxygen, and there is no doubt about that. Apart from the plants, various algae produce oxygen and sustain life on earth. On average, you will need around 300-400 plants to produce enough oxygen for a person.

Can we keep a snake plant in the bedroom? ›

Not only is the Snake Plant super easy going, it also helps improve the quality of sleep by producing oxygen at night and removing carbon dioxide. This can result in a more restful and refreshing sleep, so it's recommended to place your Snake Plant in the bedroom!

Do indoor plants improve your health? ›

A 2015 study found that caring for indoor plants reduced psychological and physiological stress in study participants. Interacting with plants helped suppress sympathetic nervous system activity and diastolic blood pressure.

Do indoor plants really help? ›

The soil may have bacteria, pesticides or other contaminants. While plants can be beneficial, the evidence does not show that they are an effective tool to reduce air pollution. A 2014 review of the research in scores of studies5 found mixed evidence in real-world studies for improved air quality indoors.

What plant symbolizes health and wellness? ›

Peace Lily

It's easy to love the contrast of the dark green leaves against the white flowers and they can easily liven up a room. Peace Lilies are also symbolic of good health. The Greenage explains that many people aren't aware of Toxic Home Syndrome, which has been linked to respiratory conditions.

Do house plants purify the air? ›

Bringing plants indoors can provide a number of benefits, but cleaner air isn't one of them, say experts. It's a myth you almost wish hadn't been busted. Houseplants, though charming, do little to purify the air in a room, say the scientists who study the air we breathe.

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